Recognized by UGC - Under 2 (f) And Under 12 (B)

Loknayak Bapuji Aney Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal

लोकनायक बापूजी अणे महिला महाविद्यालय, यवतमाळ.

Accredited with "B" Grade by NAAC (2019).

(Affiliated To Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University)

Padmavibhushan Loknayak Bapuji Aney Alias Madhav Shrihari Aney

Message from President

Dear Students,
I, on behalf of Education Society, Yavatmal, cordially welcome all the students seeking admission to our college, Loknayak Bapuji Aney Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal. In the golden jubilee plus four years of our college, I am ecstatic to see the luscious tree full of fruits in the form of Arts and Commerce (English Medium) faculty as well. This colossal tree has the successful fruits of B. A., B. Com., Post Graduation in B. A., B. Com. and the research centres of various subjects. I congratulate all the teaching staff for scaling the heights of success of the students in academics, arts and sports spheres to the seventh sky; ultimately increasing the reputation of the college. Now, this has become the habit of our glorious History. But I firmly believe that all the professors will keep the present in mind and encourage the students to establish new records of immense accomplishments. Merely, to acquire a degree or post graduate degree taking higher education cannot be the lone purpose of education. I piously pray to Almighty that our students should conquer all the fields completely using their effective personality in this world of cut throat competition resulting in transforming our nation educated and resolved. Recently, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 was announced by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (soon to be called the Ministry of Education). This means that we are on the verge of a new dawn in the history of Indian Education Sphere. The policy is aimed at transforming the Indian education system to meet the needs of the 21st Century. The new policy seeks rectification of poor literacy and numeracy outcomes associated with primary schools, reduction in dropout levels in middle and secondary schools and adoption of the multi-disciplinary approach in the higher education system. Apart from this, the policy also focuses on early childhood care, restructuring curriculum and pedagogy; reforming assessments and exams, and investing in teacher training and broad-basing their appraisal. Though the NEP 2020 seeks to bring a holistic change in the education system of India, its success depends on the will and way in which it will be implemented. We hope that you all support us in this crunch time of test and come out on the other side of this NEP even stronger than ever before. Best wishes to you, your families, all the stakeholders, all the teaching and non-teaching staff during this testing time!

Mrs. Maniktai Kadre
The President
Education Society, Yavatmal - 445001.

Copyright © 2021 Loknayak Bapuji Aney Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Yavatmal.